Visual Basic Decompiler Online

  1. VBA CODE DECOMPILER AND COMPACTOR. What's new Download Home. This utility Decompiles and Compacts Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Application (VBA) code saved by Microsoft Access®, Excel®, PowerPoint®, or Word, reducing the file size and the compilation conflict probability between different Microsoft® Office versions while also cleaning compilation garbage accumulated during the project.
  2. Navigate through and inspect decompiled code online without installing anything. F#, Visual Basic, C# decompiler.exe and.dll.NET decompilation back to C# project.
  3. Decompiler, disassembler and design editor at the same time, VBReFormer is an essential tool for professionals and companies who work with older versions of their Visual Basic 5/6 applications. VBReFormer will help you to rewrite your application by recovering all necessary information, design code and partial native Visual Basic code of your application.
  4. P32Dasm - VB5/VB6 PCode Decompiler. Description: P32Dasm is a Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 PCode + Native code Decompiler. It can generate String, Numbers, Objects, Import and Export function listing. There is also Jump calculator. For VB Native code executables are generated only MSVBVM, External calls and string references.

Decompiler for Windows and Linux binary programs. REC sources are not in the public domain. Although REC can read Win32 executable (aka PE) files produced by Visual C or Visual Basic 5, there are limitations on the output produced.

REC Studio is an interactive decompiler.

It reads a Windows, Linux, Mac OS X or raw executable file, and attempts to produce a C-like representation of the code and data used to build the executable file.
It has been designed to read files produced for many different targets, and it has been compiled on several host systems.

REC Studio 4 is a complete rewrite of the original REC decompiler. It uses more powerful analysis techniques such as partial Single Static Assignment (SSA), allows loading Mac OS X files and supports 32 and 64 bit binaries.
Although still under development, it has reached a stage that makes it more useful than the old Rec Studio 2.

Rec Studio 2 pages are here.

As mentioned, Rec Studio 4 is still under development. Most target independent features have been completed, such as:

  • Multihost: Rec Studio runs on Windows XP/Vista/7, Ubuntu Linux, Mac OS X.
  • Symbolic information support using Dwarf 2 and partial recognition of Microsoft's PDB format.
  • C++ is partially recognized: mangled names generated by gcc are demangled, as well as inheritance described in dwarf2 is honored. However, C++ is a very broad and difficult language, so some features like templates won't likely be ever supported.
  • Types and function prototype definitions can be specified in text files. Some standard Posix and Windows APIs are already provided in the Rec Studio package.
  • Interactivity is supported, limited to definition of sections, labels and function entry points. Will need to improve it to support in-program definition of types and function parameters.
This table shows the target-specific features that have been implemented so far:
Featurex86 (ia32)x86_64MipsPowerPCmc68kARM
PE COFF loaderDoneDonen/an/an/an/a
ELF loaderDoneDoneDoneDoneDonePlanned
COFF loaderDonen/an/an/aDonen/a
Mac OS X loaderDoneDone n/aPlannedn/aPlanned
Dwarf2 symbolic informationDoneDoneDoneDonen/aPlanned
COFF symbolic informationPlannedn/an/an/aPlannedn/a
Calling conventionsIn progressIn progressIn progressPlannedPlannedPlanned
32 and 64 bitsIn progressIn progressn/an/an/an/a
Windows DebuggerIn progressPlannedn/an/an/an/a
Gdb DebuggerIn progressIn progressn/an/an/an/a

Visual Basic 6 Decompiler

REC sources are not in the public domain.

Although REC can read Win32 executable (aka PE) files produced by Visual C++ or Visual Basic 5, there are limitations on the output produced. REC will try to use whatever information is present in the .EXE symbol table. If the .EXE file was compiled without debugging information, if a program data base file (.PDB) or Codeview (C7) format was used, or if the optimization option of the compiler was enabled, the output produced will not be very good. Moreover, Visual Basic 5 executable files are a mix of Subroutine code and Form data. It is almost impossible for REC to determine which is which. The only option is to use a .cmd file and manually specify which area is code and which area is data.

In practice, only C executable files produce meaningful decompiled output.

Visual Basic Decompiler Online Download

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Perfect source code recovery solution for Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 applications and fast disassembler for Visual Studio .NET compiled apps.

Visual Basic Compiler Online

Visual Basic Decompiler Online
Best code recovery solution for Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 applications and fast disassembler for Visual Studio .NET compiled apps.

Source code loss is a very serious problem for many software developers. As most Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 applications were developed a long time ago, their source code (.vbp, .frm, and .bas files) has already been lost due to migrating to a new computer, replacing a hard drive, etc. Based on the experience of most of our customers, we can say that losing source code can be a tragedy. Just imagine that you have written a program, spending a lot of effort, time, and money, but now all that is left is the compiled program (the EXE file with DLL libraries).

Some day you may suddenly discover that your source code is gone. Maybe you have upgraded your PC or migrated your data to another cloud, or your hard drive just failed, and you do not have a backup. You are starting to panic. What should you do? Just take VB Decompiler and decompile most parts of your project! VB Decompiler will recover as much as possible of your source code with a higher success rate than any competitive product.

Visual Basic has two different compilation modes: p-code (pseudo code) and native code (assembler). VB Decompiler can restore the source code from p-code as close to the original one as possible, so after a few modifications you can get some really workable source code. Of course, in case of a program compiled to native code, the decompilation success rate will be lower, but you still can recover up to 70 percent of the original source code. VB Decompiler has a few powerful built-in tools: an x86/x64 disassembler, an emulator for assembler commands, and a tracing engine. Thanks to them, the result of decompiling the binary code will be very close to Visual Basic code. Because of the diversity of modern code optimization and code protection methods, the result will not always be perfect. But in a dire situation like that, VB Decompiler can really help you with software analysis and reverse engineering.

If you develop your software in Visual Studio 2019 (or in VS 2015, 2013, or lower), using .NET Framework - that's no problem! VB Decompiler can easily restore the code structure from the assembly tables and will be useful for disassembling and analyzing the IL code of Visual Basic .NET, C#, or other .NET assemblies.

VB Decompiler does not require that you install .NET Framework. It works fine on any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows system, as well as on any 32-bit or 64-bit Linux system (with Wine), without requiring that you install any additional software.

As you can see, VB Decompiler is an ideal source code analyzing and restoring tool. It is a must-have for VB developers who value their effort, time, and money.

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